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Regular version of the site
Making sense of variable number agreement in Russian

Podobryaev A., Ivlieva N.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2025. No. 1. P. 62-77.

Book chapter
Cases of morphosyntactic affinity in North-Eastern Siberia: borrowing, substrata, social settings' influence... or chance?
In press

Kazakova T., Vinyar A., Бакланов А. Е. et al.

In bk.: Первый Евразийский конгресс лингвистов. Москва, 9–13 декабря 2024: Тезисы докладов. M.: 2025.

Working paper
Exploring the Effectiveness of Methods for Persona Extraction
In press

Konstantin Zaitsev.

arxiv.org. Computer Science. Cornell University, 2024


Online course on the East Caucasian languages by the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory

Online course on the East Caucasian languages by the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory
This fall the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory will organize a free online course on the East Caucasian (alias Nakh-Daghestanian) language family. The course will start on October 14.

Members of the Linguistic convergence laboratory participated in the SLE conference online

Members of the Linguistic convergence laboratory participated in the SLE conference online
The 53rd SLE conference was held in an unconventional format for the first time in history. The Linguistic convergence laboratory was represented by a number of talks.

HSE Scholars to Participate in Creating a New Platform for Russian National Corpus

HSE Scholars to Participate in Creating a New Platform for Russian National Corpus
The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has announced the results of a grant competition for big research projects. One of the winners is a project with HSE University participation: the creation of a next generation computational linguistic platform to digitally record the Russian language.

Lingtypology – the package for linguistic mapping and typology – is four years old.

Photo by Slava Zamyslov
Until four years ago there was no simple tool for linguists to mark a set of points on a map with different colors. A point corresponded to a language, and its color corresponded to a linguistic feature of the language. This inspired George Moroz, of HSE’s Linguistic Convergence Laboratory and School of Linguistics, to create a new software product that turned out to be very popular: lingtypology.

An article by members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory was published in the journal “Language variation and change”

An article by members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory was published in the journal “Language variation and change”
From a northern village to an academic article, or How many linguists do you need to describe variation in Russian dialect?

New International Summer School on Areal Linguistics and Languages of Russia

New International Summer School on Areal Linguistics and Languages of Russia
The Linguistic Convergence Laboratory and the School of Linguistics are organizing an International Summer School on Areal Linguistics and Languages of Russia.

Language Science Press has published a book on the Mehweb language

Language Science Press has published a book on the Mehweb language
Language Science Press has published a book on the Mehweb language, edited by Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory and Dmitry Ganenkov of the Laboratory of Caucasian languages.

‘We Have Not Yet Fully Understood How Languages ​​Work, and We Are Already Losing 90% of Their Diversity’

‘We Have Not Yet Fully Understood How Languages ​​Work, and We Are Already Losing 90% of Their Diversity’
Why might a grandmother and her grandson not understand each other? Why would linguists want to go to Dagestan? Is it possible to save the less commonly spoken languages of small nations and Russian dialects? Nina Dobrushina, Head of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory answered these questions in an interview with HSE News Service.

Marianne Mithun at the School of Linguistics

Marianne Mithun at the School of Linguistics
On September 17 and 19, the HSE School of Linguistics had an honor to host Marianne Mithun, a prominent American linguist focusing on typology and indigenous languages of North America. Marianne has gracefully agreed to answer our questions about her research and her impression from HSE.

István Kecskés at the School of Linguistics

István Kecskés at the School of Linguistics
On September 13, an eminent Hungarian and American linguist, Professor István Kecskés (State University of New York) visited HSE University with an open lecture "The effect of salience on shaping speaker’s utterance in the socio-cognitive approach to pragmatics". We asked Prof Kecskés to share some thoughts on his research and his impression of HSE.