What happens in a person’s head when they hear speech or say something themselves? How does trauma and disease impact a person’s speech capabilities, and can we really help people who have certain medical conditions? Questions like these concern the life of language in the human brain, and this is exactly what researchers in the HSE Neurolinguistics Laboratory are currently studying.
The Higher School of Economics is very serious about students getting involved in undergraduate research. For Russian Science Day, celebrated on February 8, the HSE News Service spoke with three young HSE researchers about their work and learned how the students set goals for themselves, achieve results, and move forward with what some might deem frighteningly ambitious research ideas.
The 34th annual European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology took place on January 24-29 in Bressanone/Brixen, Italy.
Kira, a master student at the School of Linguistics, wrote a short piece about her experience at the 14th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT14).
On December 23 the winners of the Golden HSE Awards were announced. The jury selected the winners in each of the main categories: Achievement in research, Contribution to the development of HSE, For kindness and personal involvement, Achievement in teaching and Alumni success in academic activity. Winners of the Silver Nestling were also announced during the ceremony.
Natalia Slioussar, Associate Professor at the School of Linguistics was member of the organizing committee of the Winter Workshop on Experimental Studies of Speech and Language ‘The Night Whites Language Workshop’ that was held on December 18-19 in Saint Petersburg. Natalia Slioussar also presented a poster report and delivered a speech during the event.
Alessia, a master student at the University of Bologna (Italy), tells about her experience at the School of linguistics.
The following working papers were published in the series ‘Linguistics’: 'Mehweb Verb Morphology' by Michael Daniel, 'General Converbs in Mehweb' by Marina Kustova, 'The Domain of Surface Texture' by Egor Kashkin and Olga Vinogradova, 'Specialized Converbs in Mehweb' by Maria Sheyanova, 'Nominal Morphology of Mehweb Dargwa' by Ilya Chechuro, 'Corpus-Based Profiles of Russian Nouns: From Grammatical Number to Lexical Semantics' by Olga Lyashevskaya.
The HSE School of Linguistics, along with Samsung Electronics and experts from the group Tolstoy Digital, has launched the web version of the project ‘Living Pages,’ which offers users a new visual and linguistic analysis of Leo Tolstoy’s iconic novel War and Peace.
Anna Vechkaeva and Anna Novosyolova, 4th-year students of the School of Linguisitcs, will take part in the international research conference ‘Approaches to the Editing of Slavonic Texts. Tradition and Innovation in Palaeoslavistic Ecdotics’ (ATTEST) that will be held at the University of Regensburg on December 11-12. The students will present the report ‘The Dictionary of the Russian Language of the 11th-17th cc. as a Database: Information Retrieval and Research Perspectives’. The report is co-authored by the School lecturers Marina Bobrik-Froemke, Roman Krivko and Boris Orekhov.