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Book chapter
Mathematicon: A corpus-based platform for teachers and students of RFL
In press

Anna Leonteva, Toldova S., Fedorov D. et al.

In bk.: Teaching Russian Through STEM: Contexts, Tools, and Approaches. Vol. 1st Edition. L.: Taylor & Francis, 2024.

Working paper
Exploring the Effectiveness of Methods for Persona Extraction
In press

Konstantin Zaitsev.

arxiv.org. Computer Science. Cornell University, 2024


Application for HSE Minors is Open

Application for HSE Minors is Open
First-year students can select a minor in their personal accounts beginning at 18.00, March 26. HSE is offering a variety of interesting minors this year, so that students can choose the right minor for themselves.

Language Science Press Launches a Sook Series on Languages of the Caucasus

Language Science Press Launches a Sook Series on Languages of the Caucasus
On October 31, 2018, Language Science Press, a publisher of linguistic books, officially announced the launch of a new book series called Languages of the Caucasus.

The 2nd HSE Semantics and Pragmatics Workshop

The 2nd HSE Semantics and Pragmatics Workshop
The 2nd HSE Semantics and Pragmatics Workshop was held on 4-5th September 2018, two years after the 1st HSE SemPrag Workshop. International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistic and Formal Philosophy was the organizer of the conference. Among the subjects of the conference were logical, linguistical and philosophical analysis of the problems of semantics and pragmatics of natural language.

HSE announces an open call for applications for the Student Research Paper Competition (NIRS) in all fields of study

HSE has started to accept papers for the annual Student Research Paper Competition. 

Digital Humanities: A God of Many Faces

Gimena del Rio Riande
These days, no scientific research is carried out without the use of digital media for the production or dissemination of knowledge. The term ‘Digital Humanities’ reflects this process and constitutes a scientific field where humanists not only aim to use a certain software, but also to understand research using quantitative semantics. However, digital infrastructures are not the same globally. In her talk at the HSE April International Academic Conference Dr Gimena del Rio Riande addressed various issues that arise in connection with digital humanities.

Documenting a West Circassian Dialect in Israel

Documenting a West Circassian Dialect in Israel
From October 25 to November 1 2017, Yury Lander and Irina Bagirokova spent over a week in Israel, documenting a West Circassian dialect.

'HSE students are among the very best linguistics students in the world'

'HSE students are among the very best linguistics students in the world'
Eitan Grossman, an associate professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, talks about his participation in TyLex summer school on typology and lexicon organized by HSE. 

'I came here to teach, but I’ve actually learned more than I taught'

'I came here to teach, but I’ve actually learned more than I taught'
David Gil, a researcher at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, talks about his parciticpation in TyLex summer school organised by HSE linguists. 

«Now I can refer to the research conducted by Russian scholars»

«Now I can refer to the research conducted by Russian scholars»
TyLex — 2017 summer school on typology and lexicon gathered participants from al across the world. Shihong Zhou, a researcher at Beijing Normal University, shared his impression of the event in a short interview with the organizers of TyLex.

«I will use things that I learned at TyLex in my research»

«I will use things that I learned at TyLex in my research»
So Miyagawa, a research fellow at the University of Göttingen, recently attended TyLex — 2017, a summer school on typology and lexicon organized by the Higher School of Economics. In this interview he talks about what he liked about the school and what benefits it brought into his research.