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Редакторы сайта — Наталья Борисовна Пименова, Татьяна Борисовна Казакова, Максим Олегович Бажуков, Юлия Геннадьевна Бадрызлова

Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on NLP Applications to Field Linguistics (Field Matters 2024)

Bangkok: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024.

Глава в книге
String Similarity Measures for Evaluating the Lemmatisation in Old Church Slavonic

Afanasev I., Lyashevskaya O.

In bk.: Structuring Lexical Data and Digitising Dictionaries: Grammatical Theory, Language Processing and Databases in Historical Linguistics. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2024. P. 13-35.

Exploring the Effectiveness of Methods for Persona Extraction
В печати

Konstantin Zaitsev.

arxiv.org. Computer Science. Cornell University, 2024

31 мая первая группа исследователей отправится на полевую станцию в Гватемале

Среди них есть и учащиеся Школы лингвистики – Саша Кожухарь и Лиза Востокова. Исследователи будут изучать майаские языки региона.

Цитируем блог Департамента лингвистики Университета Мэриленд:

First group to Guatemalan Field Station

Bon voyage to Rodrigo Ranero, Chris Baron, Paulina Lyskawa, Theodore Levin, Omer Preminger and Maria Polinsky, who on May 31 leave for Tecpan, Patzun, and Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, on the first group trip to the Guatemalan Field Station. Also with the group will be Carola Emkow from the Free University of Berlin, and three graduate students from other universities: Emma Bierings (Leiden), Sasha Kozhukhar (HSE Moscow) and Elizaveta Vostokova (HSE Moscow). The group will pursue several research projects on the structure of Mayan languages spoken in the area – Kaqchikel, Tzutujil, Mam, and Chuj – while joining ongoing projects on literacy and health led by Wuqu' Kawoq, an NGO who is a partner in the station".