Tilmann Reuther, Professor at the University of Klagenfurt, and his colleague Joulia Köstenbaumer talk to the HSE News Service about their experience of cooperation with the School of Linguistics and internships in Austria.
Daniil Alexeevsky, doctoral student in Philology, presented the final part of his thesis on the development of a large electronic lexical database of the Russian language, similar to Princeton’s Wordnet.
Today computer and corpora technologies play an important role in language studies and language learning along with traditional methods of analysis. New corpora resources and software for language analysis are regularly developed. Experts from Russia, CIS and other countries discussed the latest achievements in this field at the international conference ‘Corpus Technologies, Digital Humanities and Modern Research’.
The Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, one of the oldest universities in Germany, hosted a three-day workshop on social network analysis of literary texts conducted by Daniil Skorinkin, Lecturer at the School of Linguistics, and Frank Fischer, Associate Professor at the School.
The First HSE Workshop on Semantics and Pragmatics took place on September 30 and October 1 in Moscow. The first HSE Semantics and Pragmatics workshop was held on September 30 and October 1 in Moscow. The workshop was organized by a Research group “Formal Philosophy”, School of Philosophy and School of Linguistics.
What causes variation between languages, and what do they have in common? How is language embedded in our general cognitive system? These are some of the questions that Eric Reuland, Faculty Professor of Language and Cognition at the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics (OTS) (Utrecht University), will address in a lecture course entitled ‘Syntactic approaches to anaphora’ that will be held at HSE Moscow from September 12 till 22, 2016. Professor Reuland recently spoke with the HSE news service about his research interests, his upcoming visit to Moscow, and some books he recommends for those interested in gaining exposure to the field of linguistics.
What happens in a person’s head when they hear speech or say something themselves? How does trauma and disease impact a person’s speech capabilities, and can we really help people who have certain medical conditions? Questions like these concern the life of language in the human brain, and this is exactly what researchers in the HSE Neurolinguistics Laboratory are currently studying.
The Higher School of Economics is very serious about students getting involved in undergraduate research. For Russian Science Day, celebrated on February 8, the HSE News Service spoke with three young HSE researchers about their work and learned how the students set goals for themselves, achieve results, and move forward with what some might deem frighteningly ambitious research ideas.
The 34th annual European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology took place on January 24-29 in Bressanone/Brixen, Italy.
Kira, a master student at the School of Linguistics, wrote a short piece about her experience at the 14th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT14).