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E-mail: ling@hse.ru

Заместитель руководителя Ахапкина Яна Эмильевна

Редакторы сайта — Наталья Борисовна Пименова, Татьяна Брисовна Казакова, Максим Олегович Бажуков, Юлия Геннадьевна Бадрызлова

Язык Л. Н. Толстого: корпусный подход и интроспекция

Орехов Б. В.

Труды института русского языка им. В.В. Виноградова. 2024. № 1. С. 67-73.

Глава в книге
Languages examined or referred to in the present book

Creissels D., Zúñiga F., Moroz G.

In bk.: Applicative Constructions in the World's Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2024. P. 61-73.

Grammar in Language Models: BERT Study

Chistyakova K., Kazakova Tatiana.

Linguistics. WP BRP. НИУ ВШЭ, 2023. No. 115.

Summer school on areal linguistics and the languages of Russia

Мероприятие завершено
We invite applications from students of all levels (BA, MA and PhD). 

Dear colleagues,

in the Fall of 2018, 10 to 14 September, the School of Linguistics and Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, HSE, Moscow, are jointly organising a summer school on areal linguistics and the languages of Russia. We invite applications from students of all levels (BA, MA and PhD). For more information, please see the webpage of the summer school

If you find this useful, please circulate this invitation between the students who you think might be interested in participating.


Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina

on behalf of the organizing committee