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Making sense of variable number agreement in Russian

Podobryaev A., Ivlieva N.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2025. No. 1. P. 62-77.

Book chapter
Cases of morphosyntactic affinity in North-Eastern Siberia: borrowing, substrata, social settings' influence... or chance?
In press

Kazakova T., Vinyar A., Бакланов А. Е. et al.

In bk.: Первый Евразийский конгресс лингвистов. Москва, 9–13 декабря 2024: Тезисы докладов. M.: 2025.

Working paper
Exploring the Effectiveness of Methods for Persona Extraction
In press

Konstantin Zaitsev.

arxiv.org. Computer Science. Cornell University, 2024

Leonid Kulikov Explains How the Syntax of Indo-European Languages Changed

From 20th-24th January Leonid Kulikov, (University of Ghent, Belgium) gave HSE linguistics students a mini-course in diachronic typology. The lectures and seminars were on the historical syntax of Indo-European languages in terms of typology.

Leonid Kulikov is a graduate of the Department of Structural and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Philology MSU. He studied with Tatiana Y. Elizarenkova, a distinguished Russian indologist renowned for her study of Vedas. Leonid Kulikov defended dissertations on the grammar of Sanskrit at Moscow’s Institute of Oriental Studies RAS and Leiden University. His latest dissertation is based on the monograph, The Vedic -ya-presents: Passives and intransitivity in Old Indo-Aryan, publ. 2012.

While studying Indo-Aryan languages, Leonid has been working on diachronic typologies (primarily in the sphere of actant structure) and is a co-editor of a number of collections of articles.

Leonid Kulikov’s lectures and seminars were on problems of the historical syntax of Indo-European languages and typology.