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Редакторы сайта — Наталья Борисовна Пименова, Татьяна Брисовна Казакова, Максим Олегович Бажуков, Юлия Геннадьевна Бадрызлова

Two challenges for existentialist approaches to strict negative concord

Rudnev P.

TABU: Bulletin voor Taalwetenschap, Нидерланды. 2024. P. 312-328.

Глава в книге
Languages examined or referred to in the present book

Creissels D., Zúñiga F., Moroz G.

In bk.: Applicative Constructions in the World's Languages. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2024. P. 61-73.

Grammar in Language Models: BERT Study

Chistyakova K., Kazakova Tatiana.

Linguistics. WP BRP. НИУ ВШЭ, 2023. No. 115.

Курс лекций «Конструкционные подходы к языковым изменениям» профессора Мартина Хилперта

Мероприятие завершено

7 ноября и 9 ноября состоится курс лекций «Конструкционные подходы к языковым изменениям» профессора университета Нойшателя Мартина Хилперта (Martin Hilpert) в Школе лингвистики НИУ ВШЭ.

Расписание лекций:
7 ноября с 18.10 до 21.00, ауд. 502. 
9 ноября с 18.10 до 21.00, ауд. 501.

Лекции будут прочитаны по-английски.
Ниже приводятся аннотации к каждой встрече.

Constructional approaches to language change
These four lectures will present an approach to historical linguistics from the perspective of usage-based Construction Grammar. Until quite recently, Construction Grammar has been a theory of language that has been applied exclusively to language in synchrony. However, a growing body of research is starting to explore its implications for diachronic research. In this course, the ideas of 'constructionalization' and 'constructional change' will be presented as new ways of looking at diachronic processes of language change. I will explore what different kinds of processes there are, what cognitive mechanisms they are based on, and how they unfold in morphology and syntax. 

Lecture 1: Construction grammar and language change
In the first lecture, I will address the following questions. What is Construction Grammar and how does it relate to aspects of language change? What is different about a constructional approach to historical language data? What kinds of phenomena are analyzed by constructional approaches to language change?

Lecture 2: Constructional change, grammatical constructionalization and lexical constructionalization
The second lecture will present central notions that have been developed within constructional approaches to language change. Of particular importance will be Traugott & Trousdale's framework of grammatical and lexical constructionalization. I will compare their ideas to concepts in grammaticalization theory.

Lecture 3: Corpus-based methods for the analysis of constructional change
The third lecture will go over a number of case studies that illustrate the theoretical concepts from the first two lectures. I will explore the role that diachronic corpora play for the analysis of constructional change, and I will present different quantitative corpus-linguistic methods that are particularly useful for the study of language change from a constructional point of view.

Lecture 4: Three open questions in diachronic construction grammar
The final lecture will explore the current frontiers of constructional research on language change. It will address several open questions, which are currently under discussion in the research community and for which no wide consensus has been reached yet. I will outline several avenues for future constructional research.