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Making sense of variable number agreement in Russian

Podobryaev A., Ivlieva N.

Voprosy Jazykoznanija. 2025. No. 1. P. 62-77.

Book chapter
Cases of morphosyntactic affinity in North-Eastern Siberia: borrowing, substrata, social settings' influence... or chance?
In press

Kazakova T., Vinyar A., Бакланов А. Е. et al.

In bk.: Первый Евразийский конгресс лингвистов. Москва, 9–13 декабря 2024: Тезисы докладов. M.: 2025.

Working paper
Exploring the Effectiveness of Methods for Persona Extraction
In press

Konstantin Zaitsev.

arxiv.org. Computer Science. Cornell University, 2024

Education – News

HSE University Holds 10th Summer School ‘Eye-tracking in the Lab and Beyond’

HSE University Holds 10th Summer School ‘Eye-tracking in the Lab and Beyond’
This year, more than 100 students from Russia and abroad took part in the 10th summer neurolinguistic school, ‘Eye-tracking in the Lab and Beyond’. The school is held annually by the HSE Center for Language and Brain. Leading experts spoke about advanced developments and research in the field of video-oculography.

‘The Fundamental and Computational Linguistics Programme Is an Ideal Balance of My Interests’

Russian participants of the 20th International Linguistics Olympiad in Bulgaria. Artem Boyko is on the far right
Artem Boyko, from St Petersburg, won a gold medal at the 20th International Linguistics Olympiad in Bulgaria and has now enrolled at HSE University. He was admitted without entrance examinations to the Bachelor’s programme Fundamental and Computational Linguistics. Artem spoke with the HSE News Service about his participation in the olympiads, his passion for linguistics, and joining the university.

Members of the HSE Center for Language and Brain told about their work to pupils from the MGIMO lycee

Members of the HSE Center for Language and Brain told about their work to pupils from the MGIMO lycee
Members of the Center for the second time conducted an informative tour for schoolchildren and told about scientific research methods!

Application for HSE Minors is Open

Application for HSE Minors is Open
First-year students can select a minor in their personal accounts beginning at 18.00, March 26. HSE is offering a variety of interesting minors this year, so that students can choose the right minor for themselves.

Demand for Russian Language Classes Grows

Demand for Russian Language Classes Grows
Fifteen American students have come to HSE to study Russian as a foreign language as part of ‘USA in Russia’ study abroad programme developed by the University of South Alabama in partnership with HSE since 2014. Every other year, Nicholas Gossett, Assistant Professor of Russian and Applied Linguistics, brings a group of students to Moscow to study the Russian language as well as attend lectures and seminars on Russian culture, history, business, and other subjects. The goal is for students to not only improve their knowledge of the Russian language but to also make life-long connections in Russia which will help them in the academic, professional, and personal life.

Digital Humanities – What Is It and Why Is It One of the Newest Revolutions in the Humanities?

Digital Humanities – What Is It and Why Is It One of the Newest Revolutions in the Humanities?
The scientific landscape is changing before our eyes. Different sciences are becoming more and more intertwined with one another, and this sometimes creates quite unexpected combinations, such as the digital humanities. This field is developing rapidly, with conferences and summer schools now being held on the subject. In addition, HSE recently devoted an entire week to the Digital Humanities. But what is this field and why is it so important? 

Our Summer Studying Shamans, the Mayan calendar, and the Kaqchikel Language

Our Summer Studying Shamans, the Mayan calendar, and the Kaqchikel Language
Is it possible to learn a new language well enough in just two weeks to conduct linguistic research on it? This is an entirely standard practice for linguists, according to Sasha Kozhukhar and Liza Vostokova, both students in the Linguistic Theory and Language Description master’s programme. This past summer, Sasha and Liza went on an expedition to Guatemala to study Kaqchikel, an indigenous Mayan language.

Our Summer Studying Shamans, the Mayan calendar, and the Kaqchikel Language

Is it possible to learn a new language well enough in just two weeks to conduct linguistic research on it? This is an entirely standard practice for linguists, according to Sasha Kozhukhar and Liza Vostokova, both students in the Linguistic Theory and Language Description master’s programme. This past summer, Sasha and Liza went on an expedition to Guatemala to study Kaqchikel, an indigenous Mayan language.

‘These are the People Who Will Shape the Agenda in the Humanities’

The first Moscow-Tartu School in Digital Humanities has taken place at the Leo Tolstoy House and Museum in Yasnaya Polyana. The school‘s aim is to create an interdisciplinary academic environment in which modern computer methods are applied to the study of texts. The school was organized by the HSE School of Linguistics, Leo Tolstoy House and Museum in Yasnaya Polyana, and the Department of Russian Literature at the University of Tartu.

Workshop on Computer linguistics and language science

On 25th of April Faculty of Computer Science held a Workshop on Computer linguistics and language science, which was organized jointly by the Department of data analysis and artificial intelligence and the School of linguistics.
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