«Areal Linguistics and Languages of Russia» (2018)
The School of Linguistics HSE and the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory invite applications from students of all levels (BA, MA and PhD) willing to participate in the International Summer School "Areal Linguistics and Languages of Russia".
The School will take place from Monday 10 to Friday 14, September 2018, at Voronovo, HSE academic center and guesthouse outside Moscow.
The School will offer a range of short theoretical and methodological courses introducing different linguistic topics and plenary lectures by world renowned experts in the domain of areal typology. The School focuses on areal linguistics, sociolinguistics and linguistic typology.
In addition to the main program, there will also be a Young linguists' poster session.
The organizing committee of the Summer School includes Johanna Nichols, Michael Daniel, Nina Dobrushina, Pavel Duryagin, George Moroz, Roman Ronko.
The participation fee of 200 euros covers meals and accommodation in the guesthouse, bus trip to and from Voronovo, and attending the courses of your choice. In some cases, and at the discretion of the organizers, the fee can be waived or reduced, especially in the case of participants from the low-income countries. We will also provide visa application support for international participants. Here is a payment form (for Visa, MasterCard and Mir).
Deadline for applications is May 20.
Notification of acceptance June 1.
For further information, please write to arealhse@gmail.com