Areal Patterns: Visualisation Tools and Analysis Methods
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
NRU HSE, School of Linguistics, Linguistic Convergence Laboratory
The course will consist of two parts. Learning objectives of the first part of the course are to introduce students to tools for creating typological and dialectological maps and atlases with the R package lingtypology and some methods for detecting areal patterns and assessing settlement sample representativeness. The second part will be slightly more theory oriented and will focus on the problems of dimensionality reduction for different types of linguistic data, hierarchical and optimising clustering, and on constructing neighbour networks of languages—essential parts of studying areal patterns in distributions of linguistic features. Most methods will be demonstrated on real-world datasets using R.
- Basic knowledge of R (vectors, dataframes, bringing data to R)
- If you want to use your own computer, please have R and RStudio installed, including the following R packages: lingtypology, rmarkdown, ggplot2, mapedit, overpass, Rtsne. The computers in the classroom will have all software installed.
Links to the video recordings: