Typology of lexical borrowing
Course author
Lecturer, Department of Linguistics/School of Language Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
TyLex course: Typology of lexical borrowing
Course materials
Typology of lexical borrowing - materials.rar
Targeting the role of language contact in typological research PART 1.pdf
Targeting the role of language contact in typological research PART 2.pdf
Targeting the role of language contact in typological research PART 3.pdf
These are presentations given during the course. The first deals with different approaches to language contact in modern typology, focusing on approaches that directly target the typology of contact-induced change. It then turns to the empirical evaluation of proposed universals of contact-induced change. This topic continues in the second presentation, which focuses on the results of a cross-linguistic sample of adposition and case-marker borrowing. The third deals with evaluating the role of genetic and areal features of the coding of causal-noncausal verb pairs in Eurasia.
Course annotation
These talks will present contemporary research on the typology of lexical borrowing. Topics will include borrowability hierarchies and how to interpret them, proposed universals of language contact and their eventual fate, polysemy patterns in 'matter replication,' the relevance of lexical semantics for the integration of loanwords into target-language grammatical patterns, and the implications of findings from lexical borrowing typology for the notion of "basic vocabulary.