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Lexical markers of speech disfluency in Russian and cross-linguistically

Course author

Vera Podlesskaya

Professor, Head of Research Center for Linguistic Typology, Russian State University for the Humanities


Course materials

Winter Typological Schools - highlights

Lexical markers of speech disfluency in Russian and cross-linguistically - presentation


Course annotation

Spontaneous spoken discourse is full of disfluencies manifested by self repairs, false-starts, repetitions, filled pauses etc. These are very often accompanied by specific lexical markers, e.g. markers of word search problems ( whatchamacallit ), editing phrases ( I mean; in other words ), markers of vague speech ( like, sort of ). We will examine how these markers vary cross-linguistically, what do they have in common and how do they share load with prosodic and grammatical resources employed for overcoming speech production difficulties.